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Treatments and Solutions for Lines & Wrinkles

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Wrinkles and fine lines

What Are Some Effective Treatments for Wrinkles

Ageing gracefully is an art and a science. As we grow older, our skin naturally begins to show signs of the passing years through lines and wrinkles, which often appear first on our face. These visible markers of age can be influenced by various factors, including genetics, sun exposure, lifestyle choices, and skin type. While some embrace these changes, others seek out ways to minimise their appearance, striving for a more youthful look.

In this blog, Consultant Plastic Surgeon Anca Breahna will explore solutions for lines and wrinkles, how these treatments work, the areas of the face they are most effective on and what you can realistically expect in terms of results. Safety, potential side effects, and how to choose the right option for your skin type will also be thoroughly discussed.

More about Lines and Wrinkles

Ageing is an inevitable part of life, and as we age, our skin begins to show the first signs through lines and wrinkles. These changes in our complexion can be attributed to a variety of factors, each affecting the skin in different ways.

What Causes Lines and Wrinkles?

Over time, the natural collagen and elastin in your skin begin to degrade, and your skin loses its elasticity and moisture. This process is accelerated by factors such as excessive sun exposure, pollution, smoking, and repeated facial expressions. These external and internal influences contribute to the formation of fine lines and deep wrinkles, which are often more pronounced in areas subjected to frequent movements, such as around the eyes and mouth.

Different Types of Facial Lines

It’s useful to differentiate between the types of lines and wrinkles that can appear on the face:

  • Expression lines: These are caused by the contraction of muscles when you make facial expressions. Common examples include crow’s feet around the eyes and frown lines between the eyebrows.
  • Fine lines: Often a result of dehydration or minor skin laxity, these superficial lines are usually the first to appear on your face.
  • Deep furrows: These are more pronounced and can be due to significant muscle movement or substantial collagen loss. They are typically more challenging to treat with non-surgical options.

Being aware of these distinctions can help you identify the most appropriate treatments, which will vary depending on the type and location of the lines and wrinkles you are experiencing.

Injectable Treatments Overview

Treatment for wrinkles and fine lines

Injectable treatments have revolutionised the approach to managing signs of ageing, offering solutions that can be both preventative and corrective. These minimally invasive options provide significant results without the downtime associated with surgery.

Injectables are substances used to improve the appearance of skin by filling wrinkles, augmenting facial features, or relaxing muscle activity. The results are typically temporary, lasting from a few months to a few years depending on the product used and your skin type and lifestyle.

Types of Injectable Treatments

There are mainly three types of injectables each suited to different cosmetic needs:

  1. Neuromodulator injections: These are used primarily to relax the muscles that contribute to expression lines and can significantly smooth out wrinkles that are caused by facial movements.
  2. Dermal fillers: These substances are injected beneath the skin to fill lines, enhance volume, and improve the skin’s overall contour.
  3. Bio-stimulators: These injectables work by stimulating your body’s own collagen production, gradually improving skin texture and firmness.

Neuromodulator Injections

This category of injectables includes popular treatments that temporarily alter nerve impulses to muscles, reducing their activity. The primary use of neuromodulator injections is to relax the muscles that cause wrinkles such as crow’s feet, forehead lines, and glabellar lines (between the eyebrows). By relaxing these muscles, neuromodulator injections can smooth out the skin and decrease the appearance of wrinkles.

The procedure involves a series of small injections directly into the muscle with a fine needle. You might feel a slight sting during the injection, but the discomfort is minimal and temporary. The full effect of neuromodulator injections typically develops over the following week and can last anywhere from three to six months, depending on individual factors like your age, skin condition, and lifestyle.

Key Features:

Mechanism of Action

Neuromodulators are injected directly into the muscles responsible for creating facial expressions. By inhibiting the nerve signals that cause these muscles to contract, these injections help to relax the muscles, smoothing out the skin above them. This results in a more youthful, refreshed look.

Common Treatment Areas

  • Forehead Lines: Smooth the horizontal lines across the forehead.
  • Crow’s Feet: Address the lines that appear around the outer corners of the eyes.
  • Frown Lines: Minimise the vertical lines between the eyebrows.

Expected Outcomes and Duration of Effects

The effects of neuromodulator injections are temporary, typically lasting between 3 and 6 months. Results begin to show within a few days after treatment, with full effects visible within one to two weeks. Regular follow-up sessions are necessary to maintain the anti-ageing effects.

Safety and Side Effects

While generally safe, they can cause side effects such as bruising, swelling at the injection site, and occasionally, a mild headache post-treatment. In rare cases, there can be a slight drooping of the eyelid or eyebrow, which usually resolves as the effects of the toxin wear off.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances that are injected beneath the skin to restore lost volume, smooth lines, soften creases, or enhance facial contours. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) fillers are the most popular type of dermal filler because of their effectiveness and natural-looking results. HA is a natural substance found in your skin, which makes these fillers safe and less likely to cause reactions.

Fillers come in different viscosities which are used depending on the area and desired effect. For instance, thicker fillers are ideal for restoring volume to sunken cheeks or temples, while thinner fillers are used for fine lines around the eyes.

Unlike neuromodulator injections, dermal fillers provide immediate results. The treatment is quick, typically taking about 30 minutes, and while there may be some swelling or bruising initially, recovery time is generally short.

Key Features:

Types of Fillers and Their Uses

  • Hyaluronic Acid (HA): Ideal for adding volume to the lips and cheeks and smoothing out nasolabial folds.
  • Poly-L-lactic Acid (PLLA): Used primarily for deeper face wrinkles, PLLA stimulates collagen production over time.

Treatment Areas

  • Lips: Enhance lip volume and define shape
  • Cheeks: Restore youthful volume and improve facial symmetry
  • Nasolabial Folds: Fill in the lines that run from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth
  • Marionette Lines: Treat the lines that run downward from the corners of the mouth

Benefits and Potential Results

Fillers provide immediate results; you will notice an enhancement right after the session. These effects can last from 6 months to over a year, depending on the type of filler used. As the filler gradually breaks down, follow-up treatments are needed to maintain the result.

Safety Profile and Possible Side Effects

Common side effects include temporary redness, swelling, and tenderness at the injection site. Rare complications can include allergic reactions or filler migration, which can be managed by a qualified practitioner.


Bio-stimulators are a unique class of injectables that induce collagen production over time. These treatments are ideal for improving skin texture and firmness. The results are not immediate; instead, they develop gradually as your body responds to the bio-stimulatory agent by producing new collagen. Common bio-stimulators include Polylactic Acid (PLLA) and Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHA), which are both naturally occurring substances in the body.

The advantage of bio-stimulators is their long-lasting effects, which can continue to improve your skin’s appearance for several years. However, because the results take time to appear, patience is necessary, and multiple sessions may be required to achieve optimal outcomes.

Key Features:

How They Work

Bio-stimulators are injected into the skin to mimic the body’s natural response to produce collagen. This not only helps to increase skin thickness and elasticity but also reduces wrinkles and fine lines over time.

Areas of Use and Effectiveness

  • Face: Particularly effective in increasing volume and firming the skin
  • Hands: Can be used to rejuvenate ageing hands by improving skin quality and reducing visibility of veins and tendons

Duration of Benefits and What to Expect

The full effects of bio-stimulators develop gradually over several months as your body produces new collagen. The results are long-lasting, often persisting for 2-3 years with proper maintenance.

Risks and Safety Information

Bio-stimulators have a good safety profile, but there are some risks involved, such as nodules or irregularities in the skin, which can be managed by experienced professionals.

Each type of injectable treatment offers different benefits, and the best choice for you will depend on your specific cosmetic concerns and goals. As these treatments can involve risks, it is crucial to consult with Anca who can provide a detailed assessment and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan tailored to your individual needs.

Injectables comparison table

Choosing the Right Treatment for Lines and Wrinkles

Selecting the best injectable treatment for addressing lines and wrinkles involves several factors and should be guided by professional advice. Here’s how you can make a decision about which treatment might be best for you:

Understand Your Goals

Before considering any procedure, it’s essential to clarify what you hope to achieve. Are you looking to diminish fine lines, reduce deeper wrinkles, or restore facial volume? Maybe your goal is to achieve a more youthful complexion with smoother skin overall. Each type of injectable treatment targets different issues, so knowing your objectives will help you and Anca decide which treatment is most suitable.

Assess Your Skin Condition

The condition of your skin plays a critical role in determining which injectables will be most effective. Neuromodulator injections are typically recommended for expression lines such as crow’s feet or forehead wrinkles, which are caused by muscle movements. Dermal fillers are better suited for deeper, static wrinkles and for enhancing volume in areas like the cheeks and lips. Bio-stimulators are ideal for overall skin rejuvenation, improving texture and firmness by enhancing collagen production.

Consult with a Professional

Consulting with Anca is crucial. She can provide a detailed skin assessment and help you understand which treatments can achieve your desired outcomes. She will consider factors like skin type, age, facial structure, and the degree and type of wrinkles you have.

Consider Your Lifestyle

Solutions for wrinkles and fine lines

Your lifestyle can also influence your choice of treatment. Some treatments require minimal downtime, while others might need a more significant recovery period. If you have a busy schedule, you might prefer a treatment with quick results and no downtime. Neuromodulator injections and most dermal fillers typically have very short recovery times, allowing you to return to your daily activities almost immediately.

Review the Longevity of Results

The duration of the treatment’s results is another important consideration. Neuromodulator injections generally last about 3-6 months, while the effects of dermal fillers can last from 6 months to over a year depending on the type used. Bio-stimulators offer the longest-lasting results, sometimes maintaining effects for 2-3 years. Your preference for short-term or long-term results will guide your decision.

Budget Considerations

Cost is often a decisive factor in choosing a treatment. Generally, neuromodulator injections are less expensive than dermal fillers or bio-stimulators. However, they also require more frequent sessions to maintain the results. Dermal fillers and bio-stimulators might offer more value over time due to their longer-lasting effects, despite a higher initial cost.

Evaluate Safety and Potential Risks

Finally, assess the safety and potential risks associated with each type of injectable. While all injectables have a profile of potential side effects, your individual health conditions and allergies might make some options better than others. Ensure that you discuss all potential risks and side effects with Anca before proceeding.

Other Options for Wrinkles and Lines

In addition to injectable treatments, there are various other methods available that can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Each of these alternatives comes with its own set of benefits and may be preferred if you are looking for non-injection-based options.

Topical Treatments

Creams and Serums: The use of topical retinoids is one of the most effective dermatologist-recommended methods to treat fine lines and wrinkles. Retinoids help to increase collagen production and speed up cell turnover. Over-the-counter moisturisers and serums containing hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, and peptides also offer hydration and mild rejuvenation to the skin.

Laser and Light-Based Treatments

  • Fractional Lasers: These lasers treat microscopic columns of skin, allowing the surrounding untreated area to fast-track the healing process and boost collagen production. This method is effective for improving skin texture and diminishing the depth of wrinkles.
  • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL): IPL treatments are used to enhance the skin’s colour and texture without surgery. It can reduce the appearance of fine lines by stimulating collagen growth under the skin’s surface.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels involve the application of a solution to the face, which exfoliates the skin and causes dead skin cells to peel off. When the skin grows back, it is usually smoother with less visible fine lines. Peels range from mild to deep penetration, depending on the concentration of the acids used.


Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive procedure used to renew overall skin tone and texture. It can improve the appearance of sun damage, wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, and other skin-related concerns and conditions.

FAQs about Treatments and Solutions for Lines and Wrinkles


How can I decide between laser treatments and injectable options for my wrinkles?

  • Choosing between laser treatments and injectable options depends on your specific skin concerns, desired results, and budget. Laser treatments are better for overall skin rejuvenation, reducing uneven pigmentation, and improving skin texture. In contrast, injectables are more targeted treatments for reducing wrinkles and adding volume. A consultation with Anca can help determine which method or combination of methods will best meet your needs.

Are there any natural remedies that can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles?

  • Yes, several natural remedies may help improve the appearance of your skin. Regular use of aloe vera, which contains vitamins A and E, can help moisturise and improve skin’s elasticity. Another option is to apply coconut oil, a powerful emollient that reduces lines by keeping your skin hydrated. Additionally, using cucumber slices or puree as a facial treatment can help soothe the skin and reduce swelling.

What should I expect during a consultation for wrinkle treatments?

  • During a consultation, Anca will assess your skin type, discuss your concerns and desired outcomes, and review your medical history. She will also explain different treatment options, including the benefits, risks, and costs associated with each choice. This session is a good opportunity for you to ask questions and get a personalised treatment plan.

How often should I receive treatment to maintain the results?

  • The frequency of treatment needed to maintain results varies depending on the type of treatment. For neuromodulator injections, you might need follow-up treatments every 3-6 months. Dermal fillers can last anywhere from 6 months to over a year, while bio-stimulator effects can last for several years. Anca will provide a schedule that maximises your results based on the treatment you choose.

Can wrinkle treatments be combined with other skin treatments?

  • Yes, combining wrinkle treatments with other skin procedures can often lead to enhanced results. For example, it’s common to use neuromodulator injections for forehead lines while using dermal fillers for nasolabial folds.

Further Reading about Procedures at Cheshire Cosmetic Surgery

Medical References about Treatments and Solutions for Lines&Wrinkles

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About Anca Breahna – Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Cheshire Cosmetic Surgery

Ms Anca Breahna, PhD, MSc, FEBOPRAS, FRCS (Plast) is a highly regarded Consultant Plastic Surgeon specialising in the field of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery.

Anca performs a wide range of Hand Surgery & Skin Surgery and Aesthetic Breast, Body and Face Surgery,

Anca Breahna - Female Plastic Surgeon in Chester UK

As one of the very few female Plastic Surgeons in the region, she is able to offer that unique female perspective, with empathy, attention to detail and personalised care. It is Anca’s true dedication and commitment to her field, that sets her aside from her peers. Her extensive surgical training means that you are in safe hands. She is renowned for providing exceptional care, support and helping achieve realistic goals for her patients.

Anca Breahna’s surgical training has mainly been undertaken within the United Kingdom. She began a rigorous training programme in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in 1999, after achieving her medical degree from the University of Bucharest. Miss Breahna attained her PhD degree at the same university in 2007 for her medical research. She then relocated to the UK and has worked Internationally to further extend her qualifications and training.

The team at Cheshire Cosmetic Surgery looks forward to meeting you and will treat you with respect, consideration, and empathy.

Your Next Steps

Do your Research

  • Please read our website pages and blogs to learn more about your intended procedure.
  • All Surgery has risks and potential complications. Please read more about the risks of your surgery.

Get a Medical Referral before your consultation at Cheshire Cosmetic Surgery

  • A Referral from your Doctor is not essential, however it is recommended to have one

Making The Most Of Your Consultation

  • Please arrive slightly early for your in-person consultation with Anca – Car parking is usually available on-site
  • You are welcome to bring a friend or relative to help consider the information and discuss your options
  • Please be aware you may need to undress for a physical exam so wear simple clothes
  • Ensure you also take a lot of notes during the consultation and thoroughly read all the documents provided

Want more information before scheduling your consultation?

  • Please call to find out more about availability, pricing and medical payment plans
  • Request more information about the procedure – call us or email us

How to Book your Consultation with Anca Breahna – Plastic Surgeon

  • You can book your consultation with Anca by paying the £150 cosmetic consultation fee when you make your appointment. This fee covers further consultations about the same concern.

Contact Anca’s Team

Call Claire or Joedy on 07538 012918 to arrange your consultation or email us for more information.

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    07538 012918


    Chester Wellness Centre,
    Wrexham Road,
    CH4 9DE

    Practice Manager: Claire Bate – Phone 0800 080 6026

    Patient Coordinator: Joedy Williams – Phone 07538 012918

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